News : Customer Feedback

Customer Testimonials

Rococo have recently finished another one of our beautiful Orangery installation. Read what our customer thought about our service and finished product.

Here's some great customer feedback we've had on a recent project where Storm Evoution - Timber Alternative flush windows were install and some of our bi folding doors.

Please follow the link below to read what our customers think of us.

We have just had some lovely feedback from two of our customers in the Fair Oak and Southampton areas! We recently installed Storm Evolution replacement windows, a French Door and an exterior door by The English Door Company for one customer and bi-fold doors and blinds for another. Delighted - thank you!

Established for nearly 20 years ­ we are completely committed to providing the very best customer service.  We are always available to meet you at your home or at our showroom to discuss your home improvement ideas and to liaise with your architect & builder. We can show you many local case studies of installations completed - conservatories, orangeries, garden rooms, garden offices and provide you with examples of customer feedback over the years.